15th - 16th March Adventure Hut Tour

15th - 16th March Adventure Hut Tour

235,00 €
We are venturing into new pastures and the guides taking you on this new exploration will the Karen Bockel & Ulrika Asp.
We are upping the distances and vertical and heading for The Cabane Vignettes hut. It is a Swiss mountain hut, at 3157 meters, on the Haute Route between Chamonix and Zermatt. The hut is located in the magnificent Val d’Hérens and surrounded by glaciers and peaks!
The skin in to get to the hut will be a long day and we insist you only book if you have 1000m of skinning in one go under your belt in the past. Needless to say this shouldn't be your first time ski touring ;P and you MUST be comfortable skiing in off-piste, changeable glacial terrain.
The program will be finalised closer to the time but Day 1 is spent getting to your accommodation, that evening you will enjoy a well deserved drink and hot meal before falling fast asleep (earplugs are a must). Day 2 you'll wake, have some brekkie, feel your thermos with some hut tea and its off out for an adventure before descending back to cars and heading home.
You hut fee is NOT included in our price and will be paid in person at the hut.
CHF95 Non-Alpine club member 18+
CHF79 Alpine Club member 22+

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